Building Personal Branding: The Impact of Self-Expression, Social Interaction, and Personal Value


  • Nguyen Thi Ha My
  • Tran Lam Son
  • Nguyen Thi Thuy Duong
  • Vu Thi Huong Giang
  • Nguyen Thi Khanh Chi Foreign Trade University, Hanoi, Vietnam


The study utilizes PLS-SEM to examine the impact of self-expression, social interaction, and personal value on building personal branding in the Vietnamese context, a country with an emerging economy. By using a quantitative approach along with the participation of approximately 300 contestants, the study reveals that intrinsic factors such as self-expression, social interaction, and personal value have a significant effect on building the personal brand of Vietnamese Youth (18-24 years old). Notably, regarding perceived employability, the study also found a positive correlation between personal branding and perceived employability. In other words, personal branding is one of the key factors directly affecting the perceived employability of Vietnamese youths. The study thereby emphasizes the importance of personal branding as a cutting-edge professional strategy for enhancing one's own brand identification and achieving favorable career outcomes.


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How to Cite

Nguyen Thi Ha My, Tran Lam Son, Nguyen Thi Thuy Duong, Vu Thi Huong Giang, & Chi, N. T. K. . (2023). Building Personal Branding: The Impact of Self-Expression, Social Interaction, and Personal Value. VNU University of Economics and Business, 3(4), 88.



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