Copyright and author rights


JEB is a fully open access journal. The author who publishes the article in JEB agrees to the following terms:

  • The author retains the copyright and grants the journal the first publication rights, and publishes the work under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0), which allows others to share, copy, redistribute, remix, transform and build upon the work provided that it is not for commercial use, and that the original author and place of publication are indicated.
  • The author may enter into other separate contractual agreements for the non-exclusive release of a printed version of a work published in the journal (e.g. inclusion in an agency’s database or inclusion in a book), provided that the place of first publication is indicated.

Author rights

  • The author’s right is recognized for the persons who make significant contributions to the manuscript. Those are considered as co-authors. The corresponding author takes responsibility to name all co-authors; all of those persons have to take a look at and agree upon the final version of the manuscript before it is submitted to the journal.
  • The author and the institute have a certain right in re-using the work published in JEB.
  • The corresponding author will be mailed with an online submission link, allowing him/her to check the status of the submitted manuscript, make revisions to the manuscript, or see how far has the manuscript been processed.
  • During the editorial procedures, if the author requests adding or deleting author names to the manuscript, an explanation must be submitted to the Editor-in-chief for acceptance.
  • The author will be granted a certificate as soon as the manuscript is accepted for publication by the Editor-in-chief if he/she asks for.
  • The author whose paper is published in JEB is awarded a score of 1 by the State Council for Professorship in Economics.