About the Journal

VNU Journal of Economics and Business (JEB) was established by the VNU University of Economics and Business according to License No. 233/GP-BTTTT dated April 27, 2021, signed by the Minister of Information and Communication. So far, JEB has gone through the following stages:

2002-2008: VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Laws

In its early stage, VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Laws was under the umbrella of VNU Journal of Science which was established in 1985 and reorganized according to Decision No. 681/TCCB dated December 4, 2001 of VNU President. It was tasked to be the focal point for publishing interdisciplinary and specialized research works by affiliated units, including VNU University of Economics and Business and VNU Faculty of Law (now VNU University of Laws). The VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Law was published in print.

2008-2021: VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Business

In 2008, VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Laws was divided into VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Business and VNU Journal of Science: Laws according to the scope of each member university but still under VNU Journal of Science. Accordingly, VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Business was established under Decision No. 4462/QD-TCCB dated August 8, 2008 of VNU President, becoming one of 12 journals under VNU Journal of Science. The journal was published in print and online at the site: https://js.vnu.edu.vn/EAB

2021 to present: VNU Journal of Economics and Business under VNU University of Economics and Business

JEB was officially established on April 27, 2021 by the Vietnam Minister of Information and Communications. The journal is under the host of VNU University of Economics and Business, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Anh Thu - Vice Rector is the Editor-in-Chief and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Truc Le – Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Board of Trustees is the Deputy Editor-in-Chief. JEB is a successor upgraded from its predecessor journals.

During more than two decades of operation (from 2002 to present), JEB has strived remarkably for international standards. In 2023, JEB was assessed by the Sectoral Council for Professorship in Economics belonging to the State Council for Professorship at 0-1 point. In the coming time, JEB visions itself to be indexed in the ASEAN Citation Index (ACI) in 2023-2025 and other prestigious international citation systems such as Web of Science/ISI and Scopus in 2027-2030.

JEB is published in print and online at the following sites:

- https://jebvn.ueb.edu.vn for the papers in Vietnamese

- https://jeb.ueb.edu.vn for the papers in English