Drivers of sustainable entrepreneurship education: An analytic hierarchy process


  • Pham Thi Thanh Hang VNU School of Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Truong Thi Hue VNU International School


Entrepreneurship, sustainable entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education.


This research aims to explore the drivers of sustainable entrepreneurship (SE) education for university lecturers and their hierarchy of prioritization. An Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method was applied to analyze data collected from nine entrepreneurship-education experts based in eight universities in Vietnam. The results show that there are several identified key drivers, ranked based on descending prioritization, namely: encouraging youth, social problems, talent shortage, and connection with practitioners. Several sub-factors may also be ranked as having relative importance to SE, with the top five being “encourage students to engage in social enterprises”, “venture creation is our responsibility”, “students age group drives the educators’ interest”, “students engage in heated discussions”, and “failure of the established institutions”. This could be the first endeavor to assess and rank the drivers of SE education, thereby offering some meaningful contributions to both academia and practice.


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Thi Thanh Hang, P., & Thi Hue, T. (2024). Drivers of sustainable entrepreneurship education: An analytic hierarchy process. VNU University of Economics and Business, 4(2).



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