Assessment of factors affecting tourism policy implementation in businesses: A case study of Hanoi, Vietnam


  • Le Thi Thanh Huyen Ministry of Planning and Investment
  • Nguyen The Vinh Hanoi University of Industry
  • Hoang Xuan Vinh VNU University of Economics and Business
  • Luu Huu Van Hanoi University of Industry


Tourism, tourism policy, policy implementation, tourism businesses, Hanoi.


Tourism policy plays a huge role in the tourism economy and contributes to the overall economic development of a region, locality, or country. And businesses play a key role in implementing policies to achieve those goals. In reality, the implementation of tourism policies in businesses still faces many inadequacies, is not thorough, and there are many conflicts. This study uses quantitative research methods with AHP analytical hierarchy theory to evaluate factors affecting the implementation of tourism policies in Vietnamese businesses in Hanoi. The results show that there are five main factors affecting policy implementation in businesses: “Enterprise resources”, “Enterprise awareness”, “State apparatus”, “Interdisciplinary factors” and “Society”. Among them, the factor “Enterprise awareness” has the strongest impact, followed by the factors “Enterprise resources”, “State apparatus”, “Interdisciplinary factors” and finally the “Society” factor.


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How to Cite

Huyen, L. T. T., Vinh, N. T., Xuan Vinh, H., & Van, L. H. (2024). Assessment of factors affecting tourism policy implementation in businesses: A case study of Hanoi, Vietnam. VNU University of Economics and Business, 4(2).



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