Customer purchase intention towards agricultural products on Vietnam online retail platforms


  • Hoang Dam Luong Thuy VNU University of Economics and Business
  • Hoang Minh Anh VNU University of Economics and Business
  • Vu Thanh Tu VNU University of Economics and Business
  • Dinh Tra Giang VNU University of Economics and Business


Customers, purchase intention, online retailing, agricultural products, Vietnam


This study aims to investigate significant factors affecting customers’ online purchase intentions towards agricultural products in Vietnam. A questionnaire survey was conducted to collect data from 250 customers who have experience in the online shopping sector. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS 26 software. The results reveal that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, brand reputation, subjective norm, and perceived risk are direct predictors of customers’ online purchase intention for agricultural products on Vietnam retailing platforms. Particularly, perceived usefulness is found to have the greatest impact on customers’ online purchase intention, followed by perceived risk and then brand reputation. Meanwhile, perceived risk has negative impacts, perceived usefulness and brand reputation pose positive impacts for online purchase intention towards retailing platforms. Meaningfully, this study provides significant contributions about online customer behaviour in both theoretical and practical aspects, especially in a developing area of agricultural products such as that found in Vietnam.


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How to Cite

Hoang Dam Luong Thuy, Hoang Minh Anh, Vu Thanh Tu, & Dinh Tra Giang. (2024). Customer purchase intention towards agricultural products on Vietnam online retail platforms. VNU University of Economics and Business, 4(4), 65.



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