The influence of management commitment on digital and green transformation in Vietnamese enterprises: Empirical insights


  • Phan Hong Hai Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City
  • Tran Ngoc Hung Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City


Competitive intensity, digital transformation, information technology, green transformation, managerial commitment, strategic orientation


This study explores the multifaceted impact of digital transformation and green initiatives on Vietnamese enterprises, explicitly focusing on the critical role of managerial commitment to information technology. Digital transformation, a catalyst for reshaping operations, strategies, and competitive dynamics, integrates digital technologies into various business aspects. The study investigates key determinants impacting digital transformation and green initiatives: information technology infrastructure, managerial commitment, competitive intensity, employees' digital competencies, and strategic orientation. Utilising Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), the study analyses data from 200 enterprises, highlighting the significant positive effects of these factors on digital transformation and subsequent green initiatives. The findings reveal that managerial commitment and employee digital skills are foundational for successful digital transformation, while competitive intensity and strategic orientation drive green initiatives. This study underscores the necessity of proactive digital managerial and strategic alignment for fostering sustainable and competitive business environments in the digital era. Importantly, it provides practical implications for Vietnamese enterprises, equipping them with actionable insights to navigate the digital and green transformation landscape.


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How to Cite

Phan Hong Hai, & Tran Ngoc Hung. (2024). The influence of management commitment on digital and green transformation in Vietnamese enterprises: Empirical insights. VNU University of Economics and Business, 4(6), 62.



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