The impact of gamification factors on the continuous usage intention of Momo e-wallet users in Hanoi


  • Hoang Truong Trong VNU University of Economics and Business
  • Nguyen Luong Trung VNU University of Economics and Business


Gamification, SOR, e-wallet, Momo wallet, continuous usage intention


Gamification is increasingly being applied to mobile applications, including e-wallets, to create a more interactive and engaging user experience. As a growing number of financial applications incorporate gamification elements to encourage customer usage, it becomes essential to understand the impact of gamification features in this domain. To explore this phenomenon, this study draws on the Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) framework to investigate how gamification features influence the continuous usage intention of users through enjoyment. An online questionnaire was designed to collect data from 151 Momo e-wallet users who had experience with gamified e-wallet applications. Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) was utilized to validate the proposed research model. The results show that Social Interaction, Competition, Ease of Use and Rewards positively affect Enjoyment, which in turn leads to Continuous Usage Intention. The research results are consistent with previous findings and confirm the validity of the SOR framework. Additionally, suggestions for e-wallet service providers and policy makers are given to drive continued e-wallet usage and foster long-term customer relationships.


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How to Cite

Hoang Truong Trong, & Nguyen Luong Trung. (2024). The impact of gamification factors on the continuous usage intention of Momo e-wallet users in Hanoi. VNU University of Economics and Business, 4(6), 115.



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