Expense management for green transition in businesses for sustainability: Factors affecting electric vehicles depreciation management in transportation enterprises in Vietnam


  • Nguyen Thi Thuy Dung University of Transport and Communications
DOI: https://doi.org/10.57110/vnu-jeb.v4i6.350


Depreciation expense, electric vehicles, transportation enterprises


The study’s goal is to analyse the factors influencing the effectiveness of expense management, particular devaluation expense, for means of transport in transportation enterprises as they transition to greener modes of transport, notably electric modes of transport; in other words, to investigate the Effectiveness of Depreciation Management for Electric Vehicles (EDMEV). The study conducted a survey of 36 transportation enterprises in Vietnam and discovered that 23/36 planned to transition to green modes of transportation, specifically electric vehicles. However, the process of establishing financial planning, particularly involving depreciation cost accounting and management for fixed assets, continues to present both objective and subjective challenges. In-depth interviews with ten experts (including accounting staff, managers, and planning department staff) were conducted to determine the main factors that have a substantial impact on EDMEV. From there, the study used the previous interview content to conduct additional interviews with 110 accounting staff, managers, and planning department staff from businesses operating in this field. The research used the EFA method to identify some factors influencing the EDMEV, as well as regression analysis to assess the level of influence of these factors on EDMEV in related financial projects. The study tested 7 groups of factors (Legal, Human, Software, System, Characteristic, Age, Size) and found out 2 groups of factors that had less statistically significant impact: Software and Age. From there, the study proposed a number of groups of solutions for businesses in the industry.


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Nguyen Thi Thuy Dung. (2024). Expense management for green transition in businesses for sustainability: Factors affecting electric vehicles depreciation management in transportation enterprises in Vietnam. VNU University of Economics and Business, 4(6), 21. https://doi.org/10.57110/vnu-jeb.v4i6.350



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