Influencing Factors of Cross-border E-commerce Consumer Purchase Intention in Hanoi


  • Tran Le Ngan
  • Tran Thi Diem Quynh
  • Pham Phuong Chau
  • Ly Truc Quynh
  • Vu Thi Thuy Hang Thuongmai University, Vietnam


The study was conducted to determine factors in product reliability that could influence cross-border e-commerce consumer purchase intention in Hanoi, approached by the level of trust with a view to improving the efficiency of these vendors. The article builds a research model based on an empirical one for purchase intention on foreign websites, surveying consumers living and working in Hanoi. Data is processed by Smart PLS 4.0 software. Research results show that cross-the border online shopping intention of consumers in, Hanoi is influenced by the level trust of the vendors. A few solutions are recommended including improving platform design, platform policy, vendor reputation, and building an effective cross-border e-commerce business model. The findings of this study will provide useful insights into cross-border online shopping and a good resource for those interested in the topic.


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How to Cite

Ngan, T. L., Quynh, T. T. D., Chau, P. P., Quynh, L. T., & Hang, V. T. T. (2023). Influencing Factors of Cross-border E-commerce Consumer Purchase Intention in Hanoi. VNU University of Economics and Business, 3(4), 99.



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