The Influence of Brand Sound on Brand Recognition of Vietnamese Consumers


  • Dao Cam Thuy
  • Phung Tuan Kiet
  • Kieu Trang An
  • Do Vu Phuong Anh VNU University of Economics and Business, Vietnam


Brand sound, brand recognition, brand image, music genre, brand emotion


The appearance of sound in advertising messages will connect consumers with a brand more easily and effectively. Brand sound is the use of sound to enhance brand recognition for customers. There have been many businesses in the world using their own brand name to increase their brand recognition among customers. This article aims to determine the influence of brand sound on brand recognition in the Vietnam market through a survey of data including 352 samples. The analysis results show that there are three independent factors that have the greatest impact on brand recognition, including Harmony in the melody of the label, Music genre, and Emotion of the label. Based on the research results, the authors also make some suggestions to help businesses improve the efficiency of using brand names for their brand development campaigns.


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How to Cite

Thuy, D. C., Kiet, P. T. ., An, K. T. ., & Anh, D. V. P. . (2023). The Influence of Brand Sound on Brand Recognition of Vietnamese Consumers. VNU University of Economics and Business, 3(6), 36.



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