A Bibliographic Analysis of Publications on Willingness to Pay for Organic Food


  • Nhat Bach Ho An Giang University, Vietnam
  • Vo Van Dut Can Tho University, Vietnam
DOI: https://doi.org/10.57110/vnujeb.v3i6.243


Organic food, bibliographic analysis, VOSviewer, willingness to pay


Food safety and organic food consumption have been a major concern in recent years. More and more studies related to organic food consumption behavior have been published. Thus, a bibliographic analysis of these publications can provide broad insights and identify future research trends. The study analyzed 528 articles with 2,698 keywords related to the topic of willingness to pay for organic food by VOSviewer software. The results identified 6 main keyword categories affecting willingness to pay: product quality, origin, organic production methods - organic certification, environmental concerns and price.


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How to Cite

Bach Ho, N., & Dut, V. V. (2023). A Bibliographic Analysis of Publications on Willingness to Pay for Organic Food. VNU University of Economics and Business, 3(6), 113. https://doi.org/10.57110/vnujeb.v3i6.243



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