Essential factors driving the adoption of online public services among Hanoi’s citizens


  • Pham Ngoc Huong Quynh VNU University of Economics and Business
  • Nguyen Bich Ha Dai Nam University


Online public services, perceived usefulness, trust in security, perceived convenience, perceived ease of use


This study investigates the factors influencing citizens’ intention to use online public services (OPS), focusing on perceived usefulness, trust in security, convenience, ease of use, and technological accessibility. Using a survey of 334 people in Hanoi and the PLS-SEM model, the study analyzes the impact of these factors on user intention through a series of empirical tests. The results reveal that perceived usefulness is the strongest predictor of user intention, supported by significant positive effects from trust in security and perceived convenience. Perceived ease of use shows a positive but less pronounced impact, while technological accessibility has a more minor yet significant effect. These findings align with established theories in technology adoption and provide practical implications for policymakers and service providers. To enhance the adoption of OPS, it is crucial to communicate the benefits of these services, implement robust security measures, and improve user convenience. Addressing technological accessibility is also important but should be complemented by efforts to strengthen other critical factors. This study offers valuable insights for designing and implementing effective OPS.


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How to Cite

Pham Ngoc Huong Quynh, & Nguyen Bich Ha. (2024). Essential factors driving the adoption of online public services among Hanoi’s citizens. VNU University of Economics and Business, 4(6), 83.



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