Innovating with chatbots: A study of adoption factors in the Vietnamese construction sector


  • Tran Thi Thu Hai VNU University of Economics and Business
  • Luu Thi Minh Ngoc VNU International School
  • Nguyen Xuan Lam University of Transport and Communications


Innovation, construction industry, chatbot


Organizations are increasingly compelled to seek innovative solutions to navigate dynamic environments, and the construction industry is no exception. This study investigates the determinants of chatbot adoption in the construction industry in Vietnam. The research posits that technological anxiety negatively impacts chatbot adoption, while chatbot perceived understandability, perceived reliability, employee technology skills, and widespread internet connectivity positively influence chatbot adoption. The study contributes to the literature by examining the role of chatbots as a digital innovation in a traditionally low-tech sector. It also explores the interplay between chatbots, self-service technology, and the broader context of digital transformation in the construction industry. By identifying key factors affecting chatbot adoption, this research offers valuable insights for practitioners and policymakers seeking to leverage this technology for improved efficiency, productivity, and customer satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Tran Thi Thu Hai, Luu Thi Minh Ngoc, & Nguyen Xuan Lam. (2024). Innovating with chatbots: A study of adoption factors in the Vietnamese construction sector. VNU University of Economics and Business, 4(6), 52.



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