The influence of utilitarian and hedonic value on customer satisfaction and repurchase intention in e-commerce


  • Le Thi Mai VNU International School
  • Luu Thi Minh Ngoc VNU International School
  • Ngo Thien My VNU International School
  • Le Bao Ngoc Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology


Online shopping, customer satisfaction, repurchase intention, utilitarian shopping value, hedonic shopping value


This research aims to examine factors affecting consumers’ shopping value in the online environment, which, in turn, lead to customer satisfaction and repurchase intention based on an integrated model of the cognition-affect-behavior model and personal shopping value. An online questionnaire was administered to 202 consumers of e-commerce purchases in Vietnam. Partial least square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) was utilized for data analysis. Results show that system quality and perceived price fairness positively affect hedonic shopping value, while information quality and service quality positively affect utilitarian shopping value. These shopping values collectively nurture customer satisfaction, resulting in repurchase intention. This study contributes to the literature on online consumer behavior by examining both the antecedents and outcomes of consumer shopping values in e-commerce. The findings can help e-commerce enterprises optimize marketing strategies to improve consumer shopping experiences and repurchase intention.


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How to Cite

Le Thi Mai, Luu Thi Minh Ngoc, Ngo Thien My, & Le Bao Ngoc. (2024). The influence of utilitarian and hedonic value on customer satisfaction and repurchase intention in e-commerce . VNU University of Economics and Business, 4(4), 96.



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