Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility and Its Effects on Consumer Social Responsibility: A Value-Belief-Norm Perspective


  • Tran Thu Trang
  • Pham Huyen Minh
  • Tran Thi Anh My
  • Nguyen Hoai Nam
  • Le Cong Tu Foreign Trade University, Vietnam


consumer social responsibility, perceived corporate social responsibility, value‐belief‐norm theory, F&B industry, Vietnam.


The main purpose of this study is to explore consumer perceived corporate social responsibility (or perceived CSR) and its effects on consumer social responsibility (CnSR) in the food and beverage (F&B) industry in Vietnam. We built on the Value-Belief-Norm Theory to propose a model that explains how perceived CSR induces consumers to perform consumer social responsibility. Using a survey of 460 Vietnamese consumers, we examine the relationships between personal values (altruistic, biospheric, egoistic, conservative and openness to change), perceived CSR, and CnSR. The research results show that perceived CSR does affect CnSR through awareness of negative societal consequences, ascribed responsibility, personal norms, and social norms. Moreover, personal norms tend to significantly shape CnSR. The study provides important theoretical and practical implications by shedding light on how enterprises can improve their CSR efforts to appeal to consumers and promote CnSR.


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How to Cite

Trang, T. T., Minh, P. H. ., My, T. T. A. ., Nam, N. H. ., & Tu, L. C. . (2023). Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility and Its Effects on Consumer Social Responsibility: A Value-Belief-Norm Perspective. VNU University of Economics and Business, 3(6), 1.



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