The Impact of Media Publicity and Online Product Reviews on Consumers’ Purchase Intentions of Energy-Efficient Appliances


  • Nguyen Dac Thanh Thuongmai University, Vietnam
  • Le Bao Ngoc Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology, Vietnam
  • Tran Thu Trang Foreign Trade University, Vietnam


Customer behavior, energy-efficiency, media publicity, online product review, green perceived value, trust


In the changing global economy, energy security has become a central concern for the sustainable development of nations. The limited energy supply in developing countries has led governments and enterprises to explore efficient energy resources. The consumption of energy-efficient appliances is a crucial way to address energy scarcity. This study aims to predict consumer purchase intention for energy-efficient household appliances. The study extends the Stimulus – Organism – Response model by incorporating green perceived value and customer trust as mediators between external stimuli and consumers’ behavioral responses. Data was collected from 287 household heads in Vietnam and analyzed by applying partial least squares structural equation modeling. Results show that media publicity, online product reviews, green perceived value, and customer trust all significantly correlate with consumers’ purchase intention. Results further indicate that green perceived value mediates the relationship between media publicity, online product reviews and consumers’ purchase intention. Moreover, customer trust in energy-efficiency labels is a significant mediator between media publicity, online product reviews and consumers’ purchase intention. The research offers theoretical and practical insights into green consumption and the promotion of energy efficiency in emerging markets.


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How to Cite

Thanh, N. D., Ngoc, L. B. ., & Trang, T. T. . (2023). The Impact of Media Publicity and Online Product Reviews on Consumers’ Purchase Intentions of Energy-Efficient Appliances. VNU University of Economics and Business, 3(6), 77.



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